Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name EMMANUEL, which being interpreted is, God with us.

- Matthew 1:23 (KJV)


Brotherhood of ECC
Fishing, Fun, and Fellowship! The Men of ECC are an exciting group of men who love the Lord. Our Men are filled with desire to be the men that The Lord has predestined: Leaders in service, marriage, fatherhood, family, and business.
We strive to help our men become healthy decision makers and to be men of their word who are committed to God’s Word.
Christian Education Department
Our Christian Education Department is by far our Greatest Institution of learning at Emmanuel. This department is responsible for our Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and New Member/Convert Orientation.
Missions Department
The Missions Department has a passion to continue the progression of sharing the gospel beyond the walls of the church. This Ministry carries the gospel to the streets, the hospital and other non-traditional areas in an effort to win souls more souls for God’s kingdom.
Women of Destiny
Our vision is to minister to women of all cultures, backgrounds, and racial make-ups by encouraging, equipping, and enabling them to establish Godly standards and purposes in their homes, their church, and our communities. Holistically we endeavor to motivate women to acquire and maintain excellence in their individual ministries as capable Christ-centered women.
Our aim is to become role models to one another through individual and corporate prayer as we draw closer to the Lord God.

Youth Department
The Youth Department prepares young people to be spiritually victorious. Efforts are also made to teach our youth how to apply spiritual principles when dealing with practical issues of life; such as finances, education, careers, dating and marriage.
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